Thursday, April 4, 2013

Investing in Skills and Self-Reliance

Sewing classroom at the Alice School in Boddhisatta Deban

Across India, there is a rising trend of investment in areas of craftsmanship. While these investments do not support the growth of technological capacity or innovation, they are just as, if not more, critcical for fostering employment opportunities and self-reliance. At a recent meeting of the board of directors of the Himanchal Pradesh State Handicrafts and Handloom Corporation, Ltd, the state government is committed to strengthening the corporation, which will “play a major role in creating employment and self-employment in rural areas.” Investments in the quality of the corporation’s product will ensure they are competitive in the open market, which will help to secure the welfare of local artisans and craftsman.  
The renewed dedication to small-scale artisans and craftworkers is particularly beneficial to women, who can take advantage of the trainings and assistance offered in order to become better at their craft and earn a steady income.
At the Alice School in Bodhisatta Deban (Arunachal Pradesh), the commitment to teaching vocational skills begins early, with a sewing course offered to young girls of the school and the surrounding village. The course, led by and expert teacher, is conducted in a dedicated classroom that is outfitted with sewing machines. In addition to becoming adept at sewing and tailoring, girls gain marketable skills, which can help them to create a better life for themselves and their families.

To learn more about the sewing course and other Alice Schools projects, click here.

To donate, click here or here.

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